Friday, February 5, 2010

peace corps update

I have been running around from doctor to doctor for the last couple months trying to get my medical paperwork completed. They require a full set of physicals and documentation from a regular physician, a dentist, and an optometrist. Other than waiting on appointments and jumping through hoops, the teeth and eye stuff went through without too many complications, but the everything else part is pretty frustrating.

Long story short, after multiple visits to offices all over LA for lab tests, shots, and a specialist consultation, I'm still waiting for the doctor to look over the paperwork. When they are finished, I can send all the forms to Washington DC and if everything is acceptable, the official invitation will come in. Other than that, things remain the same. September still feels like a long ways off, but I know that it is just over the horizon and will come quickly. Still, much can happen in 8 months. Open hands.


  1. may the Lord guide your path as the Holy Spirit stirs a fresh start in your heart...
    Life is a journey, not the destination...

    just breezing through with prayers for you...
